For everyone who comes here please read the piece down below by LRH on exchange. The file is a jpg file and is called LRH-On-Exchange-1971.jpg and is below the list of folders in the 'home of listings' page (where folders 01 to 17 are listed).

»MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT - nearly 2TB of new Scientology data soon to be available - click this link for more info«

Recent files added - November 2023:

Scientology Ethics Specialist Course - personally scanned and cleaned up by me (corrected direct download links as the script prevents it being download via the folder)
Volume 1
Volume 2
Assists Handbook - personally scanned by me

The search form that used to be on here has stopped working so it has been disabled until another one can be found.

Large files are HERE.

KEY: sc=physically scanned by me, HQ=High Quality

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Backup email in case you don't get a response within 2 days -

PDC 01 - Opening What Is To Be Done On Course.pdfPDC 01 - Opening What Is To Be Done On Course.pdf 56KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:09 AM
PDC 02 - E-Meter Demo.pdfPDC 02 - E-Meter Demo.pdf 55KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:10 AM
PDC 03 - Creative Processing Demo of E-Meter Auditing.pdfPDC 03 - Creative Processing Demo of E-Meter Auditing.pdf 55KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:10 AM
PDC 04 - Locks, Secondaries, Engrams.pdfPDC 04 - Locks, Secondaries, Engrams.pdf 56KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:11 AM
PDC 05 - Gradient Scales of Handling Space, Energies And Objects.pdfPDC 05 - Gradient Scales of Handling Space, Energies And Objects.pdf 58KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:10 AM
PDC 06 - The ‘Q’ Highest Level of Knowledge.pdfPDC 06 - The ‘Q’ Highest Level of Knowledge.pdf 57KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:15 AM
PDC 07 - A Thetan Creates By Postulates – Q2.pdfPDC 07 - A Thetan Creates By Postulates – Q2.pdf 53KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:12 AM
PDC 08 - The Track of Thetan-Ge, Spacetime.pdfPDC 08 - The Track of Thetan-Ge, Spacetime.pdf 48KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:12 AM
PDC 09 - Anatomy of Processing – Energy Phenomena-Sensation.pdfPDC 09 - Anatomy of Processing – Energy Phenomena-Sensation.pdf 51KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:13 AM
PDC 10 - Specific Parts of Self-Determinism, Spacation.pdfPDC 10 - Specific Parts of Self-Determinism, Spacation.pdf 43KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:14 AM
PDC 11 - Spacation Energy, Particles And Time.pdfPDC 11 - Spacation Energy, Particles And Time.pdf 52KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:15 AM
PDC 12 - Spacation Locating, Space, Time.pdfPDC 12 - Spacation Locating, Space, Time.pdf 47KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:16 AM
PDC 13 - Spacation Anchor Points, Origin.pdfPDC 13 - Spacation Anchor Points, Origin.pdf 50KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:16 AM
PDC 14 - The Logics Methods of Thinking.pdfPDC 14 - The Logics Methods of Thinking.pdf 48KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:17 AM
PDC 15 - The Logics Infinity – Valued Logic.pdfPDC 15 - The Logics Infinity – Valued Logic.pdf 50KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:17 AM
PDC 16 - Cycles of Action.pdfPDC 16 - Cycles of Action.pdf 47KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:20 AM
PDC 17 - The Tone Scale Moving The Pc Up The Scale.pdfPDC 17 - The Tone Scale Moving The Pc Up The Scale.pdf 53KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:19 AM
PDC 18 - Conditions of Space-Time-Energy.pdfPDC 18 - Conditions of Space-Time-Energy.pdf 50KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:20 AM
PDC 19 - Axioms And Logics Further Data.pdfPDC 19 - Axioms And Logics Further Data.pdf 52KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:21 AM
PDC 20 - Formative State of Scn Definition of Logic.pdfPDC 20 - Formative State of Scn Definition of Logic.pdf 48KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:21 AM
PDC 21 - Arc-Cycles Theory And Automaticity.pdfPDC 21 - Arc-Cycles Theory And Automaticity.pdf 48KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:21 AM
PDC 22 - More On Automaticity.pdfPDC 22 - More On Automaticity.pdf 49KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:22 AM
PDC 23 - Arc, Force, Be-Have-Do.pdfPDC 23 - Arc, Force, Be-Have-Do.pdf 49KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:22 AM
PDC 24 - What’s Wrong With This Universe A Working Package For The Auditor.pdfPDC 24 - What’s Wrong With This Universe A Working Package For The Auditor.pdf 55KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:22 AM
PDC 25 - Flows Reverse Vector of Physical Universe.pdfPDC 25 - Flows Reverse Vector of Physical Universe.pdf 50KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:23 AM
PDC 26 - Flows Characteristics of.pdfPDC 26 - Flows Characteristics of.pdf 52KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:23 AM
PDC 27 - Flows The Part Force Bears In Clearing.pdfPDC 27 - Flows The Part Force Bears In Clearing.pdf 51KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:23 AM
PDC 28 - Flows The Part Space Bears In Clearing.pdfPDC 28 - Flows The Part Space Bears In Clearing.pdf 53KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:24 AM
PDC 29 - Flows Pattern of Interaction.pdfPDC 29 - Flows Pattern of Interaction.pdf 55KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:24 AM
PDC 30 - Flows Rate of Change, Relative Size, Anchor Points.pdfPDC 30 - Flows Rate of Change, Relative Size, Anchor Points.pdf 57KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:26 AM
PDC 31 - Flows Basic Agreements And Prove It!.pdfPDC 31 - Flows Basic Agreements And Prove It!.pdf 62KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:25 AM
PDC 32 - Flows Dispersal And Ridges.pdfPDC 32 - Flows Dispersal And Ridges.pdf 52KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:25 AM
PDC 33 - Anatomy of The Genetic Entity.pdfPDC 33 - Anatomy of The Genetic Entity.pdf 51KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:26 AM
PDC 34 - 8-8008 Understanding The Phenomena.pdfPDC 34 - 8-8008 Understanding The Phenomena.pdf 59KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:26 AM
PDC 35 - The D.E.I Scale.pdfPDC 35 - The D.E.I Scale.pdf 54KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:26 AM
PDC 36 - Structure-Function Selective Variation of.pdfPDC 36 - Structure-Function Selective Variation of.pdf 63KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:27 AM
PDC 37 - Chart of Attitudes Rising Scale Processing.pdfPDC 37 - Chart of Attitudes Rising Scale Processing.pdf 57KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:27 AM
PDC 38 - Rising Scale Processing.pdfPDC 38 - Rising Scale Processing.pdf 59KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:27 AM
PDC 39 - Game Processing.pdfPDC 39 - Game Processing.pdf 48KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:27 AM
PDC 40 - Games-Goals.pdfPDC 40 - Games-Goals.pdf 50KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:28 AM
PDC 41 - SOP Issue 3 Postulates, Creative Process.pdfPDC 41 - SOP Issue 3 Postulates, Creative Process.pdf 44KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:28 AM
PDC 42 - Standard Operating Procedure - SOP.pdfPDC 42 - Standard Operating Procedure - SOP.pdf 48KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:28 AM
PDC 43 - On Auditing How To Succeed-Fail, Assess.pdfPDC 43 - On Auditing How To Succeed-Fail, Assess.pdf 53KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:28 AM
PDC 44 - SOP Assessment-Cont.pdfPDC 44 - SOP Assessment-Cont.pdf 50KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:29 AM
PDC 45 - Development of Scn Characteristics of Living Science.pdfPDC 45 - Development of Scn Characteristics of Living Science.pdf 49KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:29 AM
PDC 46 - Goals Rehabilitation of Thetan, Case Step 1.pdfPDC 46 - Goals Rehabilitation of Thetan, Case Step 1.pdf 58KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:30 AM
PDC 47 - SOP Issue 5.pdfPDC 47 - SOP Issue 5.pdf 40KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:30 AM
PDC 48 - SOP Spacation.pdfPDC 48 - SOP Spacation.pdf 57KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:31 AM
PDC 49 - SOP Spacation-Cont.pdfPDC 49 - SOP Spacation-Cont.pdf 56KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:30 AM
PDC 50 - SOP Spacation Step 3, Flow Processing.pdfPDC 50 - SOP Spacation Step 3, Flow Processing.pdf 50KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:30 AM
PDC 51 - SOP Issue 5.pdfPDC 51 - SOP Issue 5.pdf 54KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:31 AM
PDC 52 - Memory - Not Human Memory.pdfPDC 52 - Memory - Not Human Memory.pdf 60KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:31 AM
PDC 53 - Memory And Automaticity.pdfPDC 53 - Memory And Automaticity.pdf 57KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:31 AM
PDC 54 - Summary To Date Handling Step 1 And Demo.pdfPDC 54 - Summary To Date Handling Step 1 And Demo.pdf 54KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:32 AM
PDC 55 - Demonstration On Step 1-Cont.pdfPDC 55 - Demonstration On Step 1-Cont.pdf 28KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:32 AM
PDC 56 - Discussion of Demo Above Agreement With Flows.pdfPDC 56 - Discussion of Demo Above Agreement With Flows.pdf 44KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:32 AM
PDC 57 - Continued Demonstration Step IV.pdfPDC 57 - Continued Demonstration Step IV.pdf 32KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:32 AM
PDC 58 - About The Press’ Tone Level Psychometry.pdfPDC 58 - About The Press’ Tone Level Psychometry.pdf 50KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:33 AM
PDC 59 - Chart of Havingness.pdfPDC 59 - Chart of Havingness.pdf 48KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:33 AM
PDC 60 - How To Talk About Scn.pdfPDC 60 - How To Talk About Scn.pdf 51KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:33 AM
PDC 61 - How To Talk To Friends About Scn.pdfPDC 61 - How To Talk To Friends About Scn.pdf 51KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:33 AM
PDC 62 - Your Own Case To You, The Student.pdfPDC 62 - Your Own Case To You, The Student.pdf 50KB Jan 04 2022 06:34:34 AM