For everyone who comes here please read the piece down below by LRH on exchange. The file is a jpg file and is called LRH-On-Exchange-1971.jpg and is below the list of folders in the 'home of listings' page (where folders 01 to 17 are listed).

»MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT - nearly 2TB of new Scientology data soon to be available - click this link for more info«

Recent files added - November 2023:

Scientology Ethics Specialist Course - personally scanned and cleaned up by me (corrected direct download links as the script prevents it being download via the folder)
Volume 1
Volume 2
Assists Handbook - personally scanned by me

The search form that used to be on here has stopped working so it has been disabled until another one can be found.

Large files are HERE.

KEY: sc=physically scanned by me, HQ=High Quality

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Backup email in case you don't get a response within 2 days -

SHSBC-387 Studying - Introduction LE180664.docSHSBC-387 Studying - Introduction LE180664.doc 124KB Jan 05 2022 07:36:51 AM
SHSBC-391 Studying - Data Assimilation LE090764.docSHSBC-391 Studying - Data Assimilation LE090764.doc 113KB Jan 05 2022 07:36:52 AM
SHSBC-396 A Summary of Study LE040864.docSHSBC-396 A Summary of Study LE040864.doc 104KB Jan 05 2022 07:36:54 AM
SHSBC-397 Study - Gradients and Nomenclature LE060864.docSHSBC-397 Study - Gradients and Nomenclature LE060864.doc 126KB Jan 05 2022 07:36:55 AM
SHSBC-398 Study - Evaluation of Information LE110864.docSHSBC-398 Study - Evaluation of Information LE110864.doc 110KB Jan 05 2022 07:36:56 AM
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ST01 - Studying - Introduction 180664.rmST01 - Studying - Introduction 180664.rm 9649KB Jan 05 2022 07:38:34 AM
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ST 10.pdfST 10.pdf 38KB Jan 05 2022 07:37:04 AM
Student Hat Checksheet-Ron's Org.pdfStudent Hat Checksheet-Ron's Org.pdf 114KB Jan 05 2022 07:38:51 AM
Student Hat Pack-Ron's Org.pdfStudent Hat Pack-Ron's Org.pdf 1523KB Jan 05 2022 07:39:07 AM